About Me

Hi! My name is Rebecca Cousins and I am the founder of High Spirits Healing, I am a Tera-Mai Reiki & Seichem Master Healer. 

My first encounter with Reiki Healing was back in 2017, the healing and insights I received from the session were amazing and it spurred me onwards on my quest to heal and move forward in my life.

Fast forward a few years to May 2022 and I received Reiki 1 initiation. In April 2023 I received my Reiki 2 initiation followed by Reiki 3 initiation in July 2023. From then on my life has changed in many ways, one of which is that I have opened up more to the spiritual side of me and continue to grow and expand in this area of my life which I absolutely love.

I have a passion to heal, and to help heal humanity in what ever is needed which leads me on to the spiritual Healing side of me. This is very much similar to Reiki energies, in that I am a conduit for the energies to work through, the difference is that I have also learnt to draw down the energy where as with Reiki you go through a connection ritual that gives a strong and consistent connection to the source from day one.